silver haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans)
CHARACTERISTICS: This is a medium-sized bat, about 3 3/4 to 4 5/8
inches long, with long, brownish-black silver-tipped fur which is its distin-
guishing characteristic. Mating probably occurs in autumn, and fertilization
delayed until spring . Usually two young are born in late June to early July.
They fly slowly and at heights of 20 feet or more in or near mixed or coni-
ferous forest, adjacent to water. They are somewhat solitary bats though
maternity colonies may be formed. The males and females spend fall and
winter in the same southern areas but in the spring the females migrate
further north than the males. They roost mainly in abandoned woodpecker
holes or under loose bark and are only occasionally found in caves. Life
expectancy can be up to 12 years.
DISTRIBUTION: The silver-haired bat is found through out the entire
state of Virginia, as well as, throughout the United States. It will frequently
occur around streams, rivers and woodland ponds with tree crevices being
the most common shelter/roosts.
FOODS: Beetles are the principal food but moths seemed to be the main
food throughout the winter in the Dismal Swamp.

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