Sky Meadows State Park Volunteer Opportunities
All we need is U
Become a Virginia State Parks
The Sky is the limit!
Historic Area Docent
You can give just four hours a month to share your park's history by pro-
vising tours of the historic Mount Bleak Farm and sharing stories of the
Contact Ranger
Do you want to make 150 thousand friends? Be the first point of contact
for park guests at the contact station just 10 hours a month, which will
help fund park programs.
Trailblazers Crew Member
Hike over 20 miles of trails and help remove minor obstacles and main-
tain trail corridors by giving eight hours a month.
State Park Ambassador
Share your outdoor experience through technology and social media only
10 hours a month.
Marketing Support Technician
Advertising introduced the public to park activities, and you can give four
hours a month by posting program announements online and emailing pub-
Operations Assistant
Assist park rangers with monitoring the cleaniness of areas, providing
maintenance assistance, and helping with special events just four hours
a month.
Artifacts Archive Assistant
Help decipher the mystery behind artifacts by contributing eight hours
a month to help identify and catalog these treasures.
Park Volunteer Interpreter
Share your expertise on the natural environment, history or agriculture
about Sky Meadows State Park just four hours a month.
Gardening Assistant
Flowerbeds around the park need tending and you can devote eight hours
a month to beautifying Sky Meadows State Park.
Group Projects
School, community, church, scout, social, and business groups are en-
couraged to assist with various projects throughout the park. Groups can
volunteer once or long-term.
Friends of Sky Meadows (FOSK)
Sky Meadows State Park need support and contributions to grow and with
your membership to FOSK you can help fund park programs, events, and
various park projects as well as lobby for all Virginia State Parks.
To become a
Sky Meadows State Park Volunteer,
apply online at:
For a paper application,
call the park's Volunteer Coordinator at:
Benefits of Volunteerism
As a volunteer, you will contribute to the beauty and health of not only
your park but to your personal health as well;
You can make a positive contribution to the quality of life in Virginia by
improving your state park;
You gain the satisfaction of knowing that your efforts help to improve
and maintain state parks and natural areas today and for future generations.
You will make new friends as you meet the park staff, bellow volunteers,
and park visitors from across the state and around the world.
Based on your hours of sevice, you may quaify for special volunteer ben-
efits such as hats, mugs, polo shirts, State Park passes, camping and cabin
privileges, and special recognition certificates.
Lend a hand today!
Directions to Sky Meadows State Park
Park Activities
Calendar of Events
Park Programs
Sky Meadows Park
Visiting Park
Crooked Run Valley
Special Projects