Bonaparte's gull (Larus philadelphia)
Length: 11 inches Wingspan: 32 inches
Small, tern-like gull
Short, thin, black bill
Adult plumage reached in second year
Adult alternate:
Black head
Very narrow white crescents above and below eye
White neck, breast, belly, and tail
Pale gray back and upperwings
Pale scapular crescent and tertial crescent
White wedge on outer primaries
Black tips to primaries creates black trailing edge to primaries and black wingtips at rest
Pale underwing and underside of primaries
Adult basic:
Like adult alternate except lacks black hood and instead has black spot on ear coverts
Juvenile/First year:
Juvenile strongly washed with brown which fades rapidly with wear
Head and body like adult basic
White tail with black terminal band
Pale gray upperwing marked by dark carpal bar, dark trailing edge and slight white wedge in outer primaries
Similar species:
Adult little gulls have no black on the uppersurface of the wings and have
wholly dark underwings. First-year little gulls are easily distinguished by
the pale trailing edge to the wing, but also have wider, bolder carpal bars.
Black-headed gulls are superficially similar but have pale bills in all
plumages and dark undersufaces to the primaries. Laughing and Franklin's
gulls both have much darker gray backs, never show similar wing patterns
and have much thicker, more robust bills.
Migration Status:N/A
Breeding Habitat:N/A
Nest Location:N/A
Nest Type:N/A
Clutch Size:3
Length of Incubation: 24 days
Days to Fledge:?
Number of Broods:1?
Diet: Mostly aquatic invertebrates; lesser quantities of fish
Relative abundance and seasonal occurrence are indicated in red below.
Relative abundance
C - Common: Likely to be present in good numbers in appropriate habitat and season.
U - Uncommon: May be present in appropriate habitat and season, often in low
O - Occassional: Found in appropriate habitat perhaps only a few times per season,
sometimes low numbers.
R - Rare: May not be recorded every year.
Acc - Accidental: Recorded once or twice, may not be expected again for a long time.
Seasonal Occurrence
Sp - Spring: March, April, May Acc
Su - Summer: June, July, August
Fall: September, October, November
Winter: December, January, February
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