common loon (Gavia immer)
Length: 24 inches; Wingspan: 58 inches
Sexes similar
Large diving bird with long body that rides low in the water
Large bill is straight, tapers to a point, and is held horizontally
Feet set far back on body, and trail behind body in flight
Upperwings wholly dark in flight
Adult basic:
Pale gray bill
Gray-brown cap, forehead, nape, hindneck and back
White face, eye ring, chin, throat, foreneck and belly
Jagged border between white foreneck and dark hindneck
Adult alternate:
Black bill
Black head
Black neck with white markings
White chest and belly
Black back with white checkering and spotting
Like basic-plumaged adult but often with paler bill and white scalloping on back
Similar species:
Cormorants have hooked bills. Western, Clark's and red-necked grebes
have thinner bills marked with yellow and show white in the wings in
flight. Red-throated loon has a thinner, upturned bill that it carries
above horizontal. In basic and immature plumages its back is spangled
with white spots and its head and neck are pale gray, with a straighter
line of division with the white foreneck. Pacific loon has a shorter,
thinner bill, a sharp line dividing the pale foreneck and dark hindneck
and no white around the eye. The rare yellow-billed loon is similar in
all plumages, but has a bill that is beveled upwards at the tip and a
blockier head, and is entirely yellow beyond the gonys. In basic and
immature plumages, the head and hindneck are paler with a darker
spot to the auriculars, and back has more pattern.
Migration Status: N/A
Breeding Habitat: Wetland-open water
Nest Location: N/A
Nest Type: N/A
Clutch Size: 2
Length of Incubation: 26-31 days
Days to Fledge: 75-80
Number of Broods: 1
Diet: Primarily fish; lesser quantities of aquatic invertebrates.
Relative abundance and seasonal occurrence are indicated in red below.
Relative abundance
C - Common: Likely to be present in good numbers in appropriate habitat and season.
U - Uncommon: May be present in appropriate habitat and season, often in low
O - Occassional: Found in appropriate habitat perhaps only a few times per season,
sometimes low numbers.
R - Rare: May not be recorded every year.
Acc - Accidental: Recorded once or twice, may not be expected again for a long time.
Seasonal Occurrence
Sp - Spring: March, April, May R
Su - Summer: June, July, August
Fall: September, October, November R
Winter: December, January, February
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