eastern spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius putorius)
CHARACTERISTICS: This is one of the smallest skunks, (about 1/2 the
size of a house cat), with short legs, and a long, bushy tail with a white tip.
It has a black coat with 4 broken white stripes, and a white patch on the
nose, and front of the ears. The average total length is 470-563 mm
average weight being 450-700 grams. This species mates by April,
and 2-6 young are born during May or June. The male gives no care to
the young. This species is nocturnal, and they climb trees more than
other skunks. They are quicker and more alert, also. There is no true
hibernation, just short inactive periods in the winter to conserve body
fat. Several may den together in the winter. They have a characteristic
handstand defense mechanism which makes the skunk appear larger.
Underground dens are either excavated or abandoned by other animals
and have 2-5 entrances with 1-3 nest chambers.
DISTRIBUTION: The spotted skunk is found only in the western part of
Virginia. This species avoids heavy timber, and wetlands and the most
common habitat are forest boarders and brushy fields.
FOODS: The diet includes beetles, grubs, bees and honey, mice, moles,
rats, chipmunks, bird eggs and fresh carrion. They crack eggs by
propelling them against an object with the hind feet.
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