eastern wood pewee (Contopus virens)
Length: 5.25 inches
Triangular head
Grayish-olive upperparts
Dark bill is yellow at base of lower mandible
Breast has olive wash
Whitish throat, belly and undertail coverts
Wing bars
Commonly feeds high in the canopy by flying out to catch insects and returning to same perch
Similar species:
The relatively nondescript eastern wood-pewee is almost identical to
the western wood-pewee and is best separated by differences in range
and songs. The larger greater pewee has a different range and an
entirely yellow lower mandible. Olive-sided flycatcher is quite similar
but is larger, with more obvious dark sides, larger bill, and sometimes
has white patches visible above the wing. Empidonax flycatchers are
very similar but appear smaller, have more obvious eye rings (most
species), and different vocalizations. Juvenile eastern phoebe is similar
but has a darker head and wags its tail.
Migration Status: Neotropical migrant
Breeding Habitat: Woodland
Nest Location: Mid-story/canopy nesting
Nest Type: Open-cup
Clutch Size: 3
Length of Incubation: 12-13(-17?) days
Days to Fledge: 14-18
Number of Broods: 1
Diet: Almost exclusively insects
Relative abundance and seasonal occurrence are indicated in red below.
Relative abundance
C - Common: Likely to be present in good numbers in appropriate habitat and season.
U - Uncommon: May be present in appropriate habitat and season, often in low
O - Occassional: Found in appropriate habitat perhaps only a few times per season,
sometimes low numbers.
R - Rare: May not be recorded every year.
Acc - Accidental: Recorded once or twice, may not be expected again for a long time.
Seasonal Occurrence
Sp - Spring: March, April, May C
Su - Summer: June, July, August C
Fall: September, October, November C
Winter: December, January, February
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