Grass skippers (Subfamily Hesperiinae)
SUBFAMILY DESCRIPTION: The grass skippers are members of the
Family Hesperiidae. Distributed worldwide, they comprise more than
2,000 species, most of which are found in the American tropics. The
small to medium-sized adults usually have abruptly angled antennae
with an apiculus at the tip. Adults of many temperate species are
predominantly orange, while brown is the most common color of the
tropical species. Male forewings usually have a brand or stigma with
specialized scales. Most species have long proboscises and are avid
flower-visitors. Adults flight is rapid, and perching posture is unique:
the hindwings are opened at a wider angle than the forewings. Males
of most species perch while looking for mates. Caterpillars feed on
monocotyledons (grasses and allied plants) and live in silken leaf nests
that sometimes extend underground. Grass skippers typically
overwinter as caterpillars within their shelters.
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