indigo bunting (Passerina cyanea)
Length: 4.5 inches
Small, conical bill
Adult male alternate:
Deep blue plumage (in poor light appears black)
Blackish wings and tail with blue edges
Basic-plumaged male (fall and winter) similar to adult female but often has has some blue feathers
Adult female:
Dark brown upperparts
Warm brown underparts with faint dark streaks
Indistinct wing bars
Immature plumages similar to adult female-immature male can have blue patches
Similar species:
The blue grosbeak is very similar to the indigo bunting but is larger with
brown wing bars. Female indigo buntings are similar to other female bunt-
ings. Female Lazuli bunting has white wing bars. Female varied bunting
very similar but has more curved culmen and lacks steaking below. Female
painted bunting greener. Sparrows have more patterned faces and streak-
ed backs.
Migration Status: Neotropical migrant
Breeding Habitat: Successional-scrub
Nest Location: Ground-low nesting
Nest Type: Open-cup
Clutch Size: 2-6
Length of Incubation: 12-13 days
Days to Fledge: 9-10
Number of Broods: 2
Diet: Mostly insects; lesser quantities of seeds and fruit
Relative abundance and seasonal occurrence are indicated in red below.
Relative abundance
C - Common: Likely to be present in good numbers in appropriate habitat and season.
U - Uncommon: May be present in appropriate habitat and season, often in low
O - Occassional: Found in appropriate habitat perhaps only a few times per season,
sometimes low numbers.
R - Rare: May not be recorded every year.
Acc - Accidental: Recorded once or twice, may not be expected again for a long time.
Seasonal Occurrence
Sp - Spring: March, April, May C
Su - Summer: June, July, August C
Fall: September, October, November C
Winter: December, January, February
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