northern flicker (Colaptes auratus)
Length: 10.5-11 inches
Large woodpecker
Brown back and wings barred with black
Black crescent on upper breast
Beige breast and belly spotted heavily with black
White rump (obvious in flight)
Tail dark above
Two color forms, formerly separate species
Breeds in eastern United States and Canada
Tail and underwings are entirely yellow below, and retricies and pri- maries have yellow shafts
Red crescent on nape
Gray cap and nape
Tan face, chin, and throat
Adult male has black whisker
Breeds in western United States and Canada
Tail and underwings are entirely red below, and retricies and primaries have red shafts
Brown crown
Gray face
Adult male has red whisker
Similar species:
The gilded flicker can be told from the "red-shafted flicker" by its yellow
underwings and from the "yellow-shafted flicker" by its lack of red at the
rear of the head, pale brown cap and pale gray face, a paler brown back,
and the male sports a red rather than black whisker.
Migration Status: Short distance migrant
Breeding Habitat: N/A
Nest Location: N/A
Nest Type: Cavity
Clutch Size: 3-10
Length of Incubation: 11-14? days
Days to Fledge: 25-28
Number of Broods: 1, 2 in south
Diet: Mostly insects; lesser quantities of fruit
Relative abundance and seasonal occurrence are indicated in red below.
Relative abundance
C - Common: Likely to be present in good numbers in appropriate habitat and season.
U - Uncommon: May be present in appropriate habitat and season, often in low
O - Occassional: Found in appropriate habitat perhaps only a few times per season,
sometimes low numbers.
R - Rare: May not be recorded every year.
Acc - Accidental: Recorded once or twice, may not be expected again for a long time.
Seasonal Occurrence
Sp - Spring: March, April, May C
Su - Summer: June, July, August C
Fall: September, October, November C
Winter: December, January, February C
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