northern myotis (Myotis septentrionalis septentrionalis)
CHARACTERISTICS: This is a medium-sized Myotis, with non-glossy
brown fur with the stomach being lighter colored than the back. It has a
long tail, and long ears (4-5 mm past muzzle end when forward). The adult
total length is from 79-100 mm, with a wingspread of 228-258 mm. The
weight 1/8 to 3/8 ounces (5-10 grams). Little is known about reproduction
in this species but it is thought to follow the pattern of other myotis with
mating in fall and the birth of one young in June-July. The females
segregate into mating colonies of up to 30 or so individuals under tree
bark, shingles, etc. This species is more solitary than Myotis lucifugus and
hibernates singly or in clusters of 4-6 in colonies of up to 350 individuals.
Hibernation may begin as early as August, and this species prefers cool,
moist sites (caves) with still air, often near the entrances but in areas
where humidity is so high water droplets may cover their fur. In the
summer they use less insulative shelters, and day and night roosts may
differ (caves at night). They begin foraging just after dusk, with more
foraging prior to dawn. This species is native. The longevity record is
18.5 years.
DISTRIBUTION: This species inhabits forested regions, and will forage
mainly on hillsides, and ridge forests rather than riparian and flood-plain
forests. They frequent areas under the forest canopy just above shrub
level. It is unknown in hardwood forests in general.
FOODS: They forage on hillsides and ridges under the tree canopy feeding
on small insects especially flies.

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