Pink (Family Caryophyllaceae)
The Caryophyllaceae, commonly called the Pink Family or Carna-
tion Family, is a family of flowering plants. The species are dicoty-
ledons included in Order Caryophyllales. It is a large family, with
88 genera and some 2,000 species.
This cosmopolitan family of mostly herbaceous plants is best repre-
sented in temperate climates, with a few species growing on tropical
mountains. Some of the more commonly known members include
pinks and carnations (Dianthus), and firepink and campions (Lychnis
and Silene). Many species are grown as ornamental plants, and some
species are widespread weeds. Most species grow in the Mediterra-
nean and bordering regions of Europe and Asia. The number of gen-
era and species in the southern hemisphere is rather small, although
the family does contain Antarctic pearlwort (Colobanthus quitensis),
the world's southernmost dicot, which is one of only two flowering
plants found in Antarctica.
Numerous ornamentals, e.g. 70 or more species of Dianthus (includ-
ing carnation), Gypsophila, Silene, Lychnis, and some widespread
weeds (Cerastium, Arenaria).
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