Spreadwing skippers (Subfamily Pyrginae)
SUBFAMILY DESCRIPTION: Pyrgines are primarily tropical American
species of the Family Hesperiidae. There are approximately 80 North
American species. Most genera are tropical, but the duskywings and
checkered-skippers are mainly temperate and also occur in Eurasia.
Adults of many species land with their wings open, although some perch
with their wings closed or half open. They imbibe nectar from flowers,
and males of many species take in moisture from moist sand or mud.
Some adults also feed on bird droppings. Many tropical species rest
underneath leaves when inactive. Females lay eggs singly. Most species
lay eggs directly on host-plant leaves, while others lay on nearby plants
or objects. Almost all species use broad-leafed plants as their caterpillar
hosts, and caterpillars live in rolled-leaf or webbed-leaf shelters.
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