Whites (Subfamily Pierinae)
SUBFAMILY DESCRIPTION: Whites, marbles, and orangetips are
members of the Family Pieridae. In North America, 31 species are
included. Adults of most species are predominantly white above with
some black pattern elements, and their hindwings often have a pattern
of yellow and black scales that appear green. Sexes of most species are
only slightly dimorphic, though male orangetips have bright orange
wingtips. Nearly all adults are avid flower visitors. The males of almost
all North American species patrol open, sunny habitats for females,
although males of some tropical whites (e.g. Mexican dartwhite) perch
along ravines. Caterpillars of most western whites feed on mustards,
though some use capers and others, pineneedles. All species overwinter
in the chrysalis stage, and some orangetips and marbles may pass
several unfavorable years in the chrysalis stage before hatching.
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