common fivelined skink (Plestiodon fasciatus)
CHARACTERISTICS: This is a medium-sized skink that grows to
a maximum snout-vent length of 3.4 inches (86 mm) and a maximum
total length of 8.5 inches (215 mm). The body scales are smooth,
overlapping, and glossy. This skink has five white to cream stripes
on a dark brown to brownish-gray background color. The stripes go
half-way onto the original tail. Mating occurs in May, 6-12 eggs are
laid in June, and hatching occurs 4-6 weeks later. The female guards
the nest and turns the eggs daily. No parental care is given after hatch-
ing and one or more of the eggs may be eaten while the female broods
them. Juveniles are similar to adults but have a bright blue tail, which
serves to attract predators' attention away from the body. The tail breaks
off when the skink is attacked, and it continues to wriggle for some time
to distract the predator further. This skink will enter water, crawl into
crevices, or hide under objects or leaf litter to escape predators.
DISTRIBUTION: This species is found in all areas of Virginia. It in-
habits a variety of habitats in the eastern deciduous and southeastern
evergreen forests. It prefers moist habitats and is often found under ob-
jects such as logs and boards, or in standing snags. This skink will lay
its eggs in decaying logs and stumps. It may be observed near urban and
suburban buildings.
FOODS: This skink feeds predominantly on spiders, with the specific
choice dependent on the size of the lizard and the availability of the
prey. Large items such as big spiders, crickets, grasshoppers, beetles,
harvestmen, and snails are preferred.

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