Inventory of Reptile Families and Species
For information pertaining to a reptile family, click on the scientific name
for the family (e.g., Colubridae). For information pertaining to the specific
species of reptile comprising a reptile family, click on the common name
(e.g., eastern ratsnake).
True Snakes
eastern ratsnake
eastern garter snake
eastern hognose snake
eastern kingsnake
eastern milksnake
eastern ribbon snake
eastern smooth earthsnake
eastern worm snake
mole kingsnake
northern black racer
northern brown snake
northern redbellied snake
northern ringneck snake
northern water snake
queen snake
red cornsnake
timber rattlesnake
northern copperhead
broadhead skink
fivelined skink
southeastern fivelined skink
little brown skink
Horned Lizards
eastern fence lizard
eastern sixlined racerunner
Pond Turtles
eastern box turtle
Snapping Turtles
eastern snapping turtle
Park Activities
Calendar of Events
Volunteer Programs
Sky Meadows Park
Visiting Park
Crooked Run Valley
Special Projects