Whiptails (Family Teiidae)
Teiidae is a family of lizards native to the Americas, generally known
as whiptails.
Teiids can be distinguished from other lizards by the following char-
acteristics: they have large rectangular scales that form distinct trans-
verse rows ventrally and generally small granular scales dorsally,they
have head scales that are separate from the skull bones, and the teiid
teeth are solid at the base and "glued" to the jaw bones. Additionally,
all teiids have a forked, snake like tongue. They all possess well-de-
veloped limbs.
Teiids are all terrestrial and diurnal (active during the day), and are
primarily carnivorous or insectivorous, although some will include a
small amount of plant matter in their diet. They all lay eggs, with
some species laying very large clutches.
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