Fowler's toad (Bufo fowleri)
CHARACTERISTICS: This is a small- to medium-sized toad with
3 or more warts in each large dorsal color spot, no enlarged warts on
the legs, chest and belly with no spots, and a paratoid gland (the en-
larged bump behind each eye) that touches the ridge on the forehead.
This species measures 2-3 in. (5.1-7.5 cm). The dorsal coloration is
usually brownish or gray, occasionally greenish or brick red, with us-
ually a light mid-dorsal stripe. Normally the belly is unspotted, but
there is frequently a single dusky spot on the breast. This species breeds
from April to mid-August. The eggs are laid in long files numbering as
many as 8000. The eggs are 1/10-3/16 inch in diameter. Eggs hatch in
about a week and tadpoles transform in 40-60 days. Tadpoles are small,
1 1/2 inches, with low tail crests and tooth ridges 2/3. The voice is a
short unmusical bleat.
DISTRIBUTION: This toad occurs statewide in Virginia. It is an abun-
dant toad in the Atlantic Coastal Plain. This species inhabits sandy areas
near lakes or in river valleys. It breeds in shallow pools, pond margins
and ditches.
FOODS: Food preferences are not documented but it is presumed they
eat insects.
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