Inventory of Amphibian Families and Species
For information pertaining to a amphibian family, click on the scientific name
for the family (e.g., Bufonidae). For information pertaining to the specific
species of reptile comprising a reptile family, click on the common name
(e.g., eastern American toad).
True Toads (Bufonidae)
eastern American toad
Fowler's toad
True Frogs (Ranidae)
American bullfrog
northern green frog
pickerel frog
southern leopard frog
wood frog
Tree Frogs (Hylidae)
northern cricket frog
Cope's gray treefrog
gray treefrog
northern spring peeper
upland chorus frog
Mole Salamanders (Ambystomaditae)
Jefferson salamander
marbled salamander
spotted salamander
Lungless Salamanders (Plethodontidae)
eastern mud salamander
eastern redbacked salamander
fourtoed salamander
longtailed salamander
northern dusky salamander
northern red salamander
northern slimy salamander
northern spring salamander
northern twolined salamander
seal salamander
threelined salamander
whitespotted slimy salamander
True Salamanders (Salamandridae)
redspotted newt
Sirens (Sirenidae)
greater siren
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