northern cricket frog (Acris crepitans crepitans)
CHARACTERISTICS: A northern and upland frog. Dark stripe on
thigh often not clean-cut, and it may have ragged edges. Hind leg is
short when it is extended. Only the first toe is completely webbed and
only 1 1/2 to 2 joints of the 4th longest toe are free. It has a call of gick,
gick, gick like two pebbles being clicked together slowly at first then
picking up speed.
DISTRIBUTION: This frog is a Piedmont species. It is usually not
found in coastal areas except along river valleys and in the sandhills,
and it is very local in major valleys in the mountains. It does not occur
east of the Suffolk escarpment. This frog prefers open grassy margins
of ponds, ditches, and marshy areas.
FOODS: Most of the cricket frogs are insectivores.
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