northern spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer crucifer)
CHARACTERISTICS: This is a small frog with a length of 3/4-1 1/4
in. (1.9-3.2 cm.). The females are largest. There is an 'X'-shaped dark
mark on the back. The color on the back is variable through shades of
gray, brown, or olive to almost black. The belly is unmarked. The muz-
zle is pointed and projects beyond the lower jaw. The skin is smooth
and the fingers are unwebbed. This species breeds from April to June.
The eggs are laid singly on fine grasses or other plants usually near the
bottom of the pool. The eggs number 800-900 and are white to cream
and black to brown in color. The tadpoles transform in 90-100 days.
The voice is a distinctive high piping whistle, a single clear note repeat-
ed at intervals of about 1 second. This is a member of the swamp tree-
frogs which climb little and only into weeds or low shrubs in pursuit of
DISTRIBUTION: This species occurs statewide. It is rarely seen ex-
cept during the breeding season. It breeds in shallow unpolluted pools,
and may wander through the woods by day in wet weather.
FOODS: This frog eats small insects and other invertebrates.
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