southern leopard frog (Lithobates sphenocephalus)
CHARACTERISTICS: This species is brown or green with 2 or 3
rows of irregularly placed dark spots between conspicuous dorsolateral
ridges. The spots are rounded with light borders. The head is long and
pointed and there is often a white spot in the center of the eardrum. The
length is from 51-89 mm. This species breeds from February to Decem-
ber with most breeding from April to August. This species may enter
brackish water, and often wanders far from water in the summer. The
voice is a chuckle-like guttural trill.
DISTRIBUTION: This species is found primarily in the Coastal Plain
but also in scattered locations in the Piedmont. It inhabits ponds, ditches,
and swamps, as well as the margins around lakes and streams.
FOODS: This species forages on land primarily for insects.
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